Dootika Vats


dootika at

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. Previously, I was an NSF Postdocotoral fellow with Prof. Gareth Roberts at the University of Warwick. My PhD was from the University of Minnesota, Twin-Cities working with Prof. Galin Jones.

My research interests are: Markov chain Monte Carlo, output analysis for stochastic simulation. Recently, I’ve also been interested in stochastic optimization algorithms.

I serve as an Associate Editor for Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics and Sankhya B.

Students: If you’re interesed in working with me, see students tab.

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Jul 23, 2024 Honored to be a chosen as an Associate of the Indian Academy of Sciences!
Jul 01, 2024 Promoted to Associate Professor (wef July 2023)!
Jun 09, 2024 Congratulations to Arka Banerjee for being selected as a Fullbright-Nehru Doctoral Fellow for 2024!
May 23, 2024 Arka Banerjee’s work on “Multivariate strong invariance principles in Markov chain Monte Carlo” has been accepted for publication in the Electronic Journal of Statistics!
Feb 01, 2024 Honored to be invited as a speaker for Indian Women and Mathematics’ Visitor Programme in 2023. As part of this program, I will be delivering semi-popular talks on undergraduate mathematics at various universities.